Excursion, 9-04-2021

ELCA Committee of Firms Online conferences

Nature-based solutions for us and our planet

Assessing a sustainable living environment

The mission is to bring man and nature together into a state of balance. Concerned with global challenges like biodiversity, climate adaptation, loss of landscape and human wellbeing, our methodology draws on measurements like nature based solutions and green innovations to create healthy and thriving environments. With all the challenges ahead, like environmental issues, ever growing cities and the loss of biodiversity, it is clearer than ever that a different way is needed for the way we live and the way we organize and manage our own habitat. 

It took ten years of research, development and experimenting to become a front leader in the assessment of a sustainable living environment. Unique tools and services help to assess sustainability with so-called passports for plants, products and materials. Moreover, we assess the living environment. Distinguishing different scales and sizes, we assess area's like suburbs and industrial parks, middle seized projects like sport parks and school yards, and thirdly, private gardens. It is simple and practical for all the stakeholders involved and it allows to assess sustainability in order to formulate and guarantee ambitions. A board of renowned scientists validates the concept on a regular base and provides valuable input. 

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ELCA Committee of firms Conference

‘Nature-based solutions for us and our planet ‘ by Nico Wissing

9.04.2021 • 9:00am - 10:00am Brussels time

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Nico Wissing

A passionate man of nature with a mission.

Front runner of the green city concept and advocate for green as an integral part of buildings and spatial planning. The naturalness of the space is the keyword, whereby people, the landscape, the building and the outdoor space flow into each other in a natural way and merge into one whole. A social design in which social integration is very important

  • Studio Nico Wissing is a garden and landscape design agency for assignments at home and abroad. Much attention is paid to nature-inclusive design, circularity, sustainability, climate adaptation and innovative solutions.
  • Co-owner of the sustainability movement NL Greenlabel. A platform for companies and organizations that want to make the outdoor space sustainable and greener. The aim is to reduce the footprint of the layout of the outdoor space and to make the outdoor space measurably sustainable.
  • Co-owner of landscaping company GreenM2. A medium-sized landscaping company with ± 35 employees with its own garden & landscape architecture department which is specialized in the design and advice in the field of the layout of the outdoor space at various scales. Nico Wissing is responsible for the day-to-day management of this department.