Kraków - Poland
Excursion, October 2019

Professional Excursion ELCA Committee of Firms


LINK report ELCA Committee of Firms Excursion Krakow Poland 

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

Welcome to our autumn meeting in Krakow.

It is great to have another opportunity to meet and we are proud to host the ELCA event.

We have prepared very special program for you, hoping it will be allow you to appreciate exceptional greenery in Krakow. It will also be a chance to relax, talk and maintain landscaping contact.

We are expecting you to have fun during trips and visiting the town and the sides after the ELCA event.

Looking forward to seeing you soon in the city of history, good vibes, super food and a famous Krakow dragon.

Kind regards, Jolanta Gryczyńska & Marcin Gajda


On the eve of a hopefully successful and beautiful warm green summer we invite you to come for our professional autumn excursion to Poland. As the new ELCA president and ELCA officiating Chairman

Committee of Firms with SAK, Polish Landscape Architecture Association, and our Polish colleagues.

Together we will discover old structures and new developments of gardens, parks and landscapes in the context of the rich Polish culture and history.

Our Polish friends have put together an interesting and educational program with also pleasant networking moments in their welcoming country.

Hopefully the dates are already in your agenda and you can now register for the excursion and book your hotel so that we can meet again in Poland. We are looking forward to it.

Kind regards, Henrik Bos, ELCA President