Press Releases

International ELCA Trend Award goes to Austria:

Network “Natur im Garten” awarded


Bad Honnef/Nuremberg.- The Austrian network “Natur im Garten” received the international ELCA Trend Award 2024 “Building with Green” on September 12, 2024. Henrik Bos, President of the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), presented the award at the GaLaBau Trade Fair in Nuremberg. Beforehand, the President of the Austrian National Council, Wolfgang Sobotka, delivered a laudatory speech in honor of his fellow countrymen.


The fact that the award was given to “Natur im Garten” (Nature in the Garden) this year is special: not one single green project was honored, but an entire green movement. In their speeches, both Sobotka and Bos emphasized the exemplary nature of the network: "With the 'Natur im Garten' award, we honour the harmonious interaction of people and nature – a place where diversity flourishes and sustainable gardening becomes a philosophy of life."


Lighthouse projects for gardening close to nature

The movement, supported by the state of Lower Austria, aims to design gardens and green spaces ecologically, adapt them to climate change and promote biodiversity - both in Lower Austria and across the state's borders. A particular focus is on the use of local, ecologically valuable and climate-resistant plants. What is also consciously avoided is the use of chemical-synthetic pesticides, fertilizers and peat. With flagship projects such as the Kittenberger Adventure Gardens in Schiltern/Langenlois, the Donaulände and the Nibelungenplatz in Tulln on the Danube, as well as in private landscape gardens, “Natur im Garten” sets groundbreaking impulses for gardening close to nature.


The ELCA, in cooperation with the Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e. V. (BGL), recognizes the joint achievements in building with green every two years. By awarding the international “Building with Green” trend award, the associations want to jointly honour projects with distinctive design qualities as well as structural, plant and landscape features and at the same time promote interdisciplinary collaboration.


The ELCA Trend Award

As an association of landscape contractors at European level, the ELCA, together with the Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts- und Sportplatzbau e. v. (BGL – Federal Association of Gardening, Landscaping and Sports Ground Construction) in Bad Honnef, promotes the planning and implementation of


ecological buildings and sustainable (urban) green spaces as well as the design of outdoor areas, building green and green-blue infrastructure. Outstanding achievements are recognized with the international ELCA Trend Award “Building with Green”.


The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA)

The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) is the European association for gardening, landscaping and sports ground construction. Founded in 1963, it represents the interests of the industry at European level for over 100,000 companies. The ELCA is committed, among other things, to a close exchange of information and experiences as well as intensive training for young talents within the industry, to European garden shows and urban landscape gardening. The ELCA is currently supported by 23 national associations for gardening, landscaping and sports ground construction and counts five partner associations among its members. By far the most companies in gardening and landscaping are in France (28,000), Germany (19,500) and Great Britain (16,000). The number of employees has now grown to over 400,000.


Gardening, landscaping and sports ground construction in Europe has continued to grow in recent years. The Corona pandemic increased the trend towards building with green and the positive developments in European landscaping even further strengthened it: the prerequisite for the outstanding position of the landscaping sector in Europe is that companies use their entire entrepreneurial potential. From planting and maintenance work to green roofs to construction of playgrounds and sports fields, the landscape gardeners offer a wide range of services in private gardens and in public and commercial green spaces. In addition to the “all-rounders” among the companies, there are also specialists who concentrate on specific areas of work, such as the care of historical garden monuments or the construction of leisure and sports facilities.

Further information:


Photo: The ELCA Trend Award 2024 Goes to Austria:
"Natur im Garten" wins: The ELCA Trend Award 2024 goes to Austria. ELCA President Henrik Bos (fifth from the left) with the winning team of the "Nature in the Garden" initiative. The prominent laudator was Wolfgang Sobotka (center), President of the Austrian National Council. Christa Lackner (right next to Sobotka), Managing Director of "Natur im Garten“, accepted the ELCA Trend Award. ELCA Secretary General Egbert Roozen (far left) and BGL President Thomas Banzhaf (6th from the bottom right) were the first to congratulate.
(Photos: Daniel Karmann/BGL)


Egbert Roozen                                                    

Secretary General
European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA)
Rond Point Robert Schuman 6, box 5
1040 Brussels, Belgium




SoGreen Alliance congratulates presidents of the European Parliament and Commission

SoGreen Alliance congratulates presidents of the European Parliament and Commission

The SoGreen Alliance, a cooperation of eight European associations of urban green professionals (, has congratulated Mrs Roberta Metsola and Mrs Ursula von der Leyen with their reappointment as respectively president of the European Parliament and president of the European Commission. In the congratulations letter to both, the Alliance expresses its great appreciation for the EU Green Deal initiatives in the past semester aimed at a green and sustainable development in the urban area and summarizes opportunities to work together in the upcoming semester 2024 - 2029.

In the letter to Mrs Roberta Metsola, the SoGreen Alliance refers to the societal challenges in the urban area. “Our mission is to design, create and maintain green projects and nature-based solutions in the urban area that contribute to better climate, biodiversity and public health. The EU Green Deal has delivered great opportunities for us. It acknowledges the value of these green solutions and we appreciate it very much that they are included in for example the Climate Law, the Renovation Wave, the EU Taxonomy and the Skills Agenda. We look forward to the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law in the urban area and hope to be involved in the elaboration of the format for the national and local restoration plans and the way reporting and monitoring will be organized.” The letter continues: “We have also thought about the perspective for the coming five years and were we as Alliance can contribute. In our whitepaper ‘We want to pass on a liveable and greener world to our children and next generations’, we have summarized our suggestions to move forward to a greener future. We recommend an urban chapter in the EU Green Deal with special focus for urban soils and rainwater storage/management, support for the green transformation at local level, research and innovation to develop the city into a carbon sink, attention for biodiversity in the urban area and skills development for our green professionals”. The Alliances hopes that these ideas are taken into account in debates regarding a sustainable continent and a good place to live for our citizens.

Von der Leyen The letter to Mrs Ursula von der Leyen links to her political guidelines ‘Europe’s choice’ for the new European semester 2024 – 2029. The SoGreen Alliance writes in this letter: “Your political guidelines for the new semester offer again new perspectives on where we can cooperate. We welcome and are enthusiastic about amongst others the continuation of working on the goals of the Green Deal, the attention for the role of small and medium sized companies at local level, the elaboration of the Union of Skills, the initiatives of the New European Bauhaus and the development of a European Climate Adaptation Plan. In all these topics, we want to take up our responsibility and be actively involved in policy making and implementation. Since our green solutions have their benefits at local level, we feel that it is also important to be part of EU-initiatives that focus regional and local effects on for example climate resilience, healthy urban soils and rain water storage and management. The Alliance wants to be your partner in realizing ‘Europe’s choice’ to make our continent and citizens prosper”.





Note for the press, not for publication:

If you have questions about our proposals, you can contact Egbert Roozen by mail or by mobile phone +32 468 35 11 91.

The partners in the SoGreen Alliance are:

· European Arboricultural Council

· European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations

· European Interior Landscaping Organization

· European Landscape Contractors Association

· European Nurserystock Association

· IFLA Europe, International Federation of Landscape Architects

· International Organization for Natural Bathing Waters

· World Urban Parks Europe More information on:

Rond Point Robert Schuman , box 5 1040 Brussels, Belgium phone: +32-468351191 mail: 

TeamUp2Restore project advisory Board gets started to advance ecosystem restoration education

TEAM#UP project Advisory Board gets started to advance ecosystem restoration education and practice

Experts discussed the next steps and the importance of ecological restoration education and training.

 The TEAM#UP project, an Erasmus+ funded project focused on practical knowledge transfer of ecological restoration to vocational education and training (VET) schools across Europe, convened its Advisory Board for the first time on February 14, 2024. The meeting involved expert members representing a spectrum of expertise and organisations committed to environmental conservation and education.

 The TEAM#UP Advisory board currently stands at  8 members:  Andrea Romero Montoya, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Klara Čámská, from the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic; Egbert Roozen, from the European Landscape Contractors Association; Annette Zietlow, from the Ministry of Economics, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany; Jose Rabasco Tribes, from the Alicante Fire Department Consortium in Spain;  Sigurd Boasson from Boasson AS in Norway, Karolina Sikala, from EUROPEA International and Kim Reilly, from Landcare Europe.

The meeting was chaired by the project coordinators Markus Meyer and Anita Kirmer, who shared their vision for TEAM#UP and underscored the importance of fostering green skills acquisition among VET students, especially in light of European Biodiversity, Climate and Nature Restoration initiatives. With a consortium spanning five countries, 15 partners, and nearly 70 individuals, the TEAM#UP project aims to empower the next generation of environmental stewards (including farmers, landscapers, foresters and gardeners) through immersive educational resources and training materials covering ecological restoration.

Discussion during the meeting revolved around various aspects of the project, including the integration of soil conservation principles, consideration of European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels, and the accessibility of educational resources through an online platform which is under development, the Digital Ecological Restoration Toolbox.

"We are thrilled to have such a diverse and dedicated Advisory Board onboard," remarked Ryan Campbell, TEAM#UP Project Manager. "Their expertise and guidance will be instrumental in shaping the trajectory of our project and ensuring its relevance to the needs of educators and students across Europe."

The Advisory Board members expressed enthusiasm for the project's objectives and offered valuable insights to enhance its impact and reach.

Sigurd Boasson, owner of two landscaping and urban greening companies in Norway stated, “Joining TEAM#UP's advisory board felt like a natural development in Boasson and MATTAK’s company profile. It’s about more than ecological restoration—shaping a future where nature thrives and humanity flourishes. Let's ignite a green revolution together!”

Klára Čámská, working with the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, shared with us her thoughts: “My inspiration is based on my friends and their fascinating research and practical results in ecological restoration [both at home and across Europe] and also with my colleagues, who commit each day to the demanding work with people for the benefit of nature. I would like to use both these "sources of knowledge and experience" to share with young people because I think they deserve to live in preserved nature.”

Karolina Sikala, representing a consortium of Green VET Schools across Europe commented: “I was inspired to join the advisory board of TEAM#UP for several reasons. Firstly, my passion for working with Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) drove me to participate in two different CoVEs, where I serve as a regional captain for one of them. Being involved in this project allows me to contribute my expertise, share experiences, and continually learn from others. Sharing is caring. Together we can dream big and do even bigger.”

Looking ahead, TEAM#UP plans to leverage the expertise of its Advisory Board to disseminate project updates, engage with stakeholders, and drive awareness of ecosystem restoration education.

For more information about the TEAM#UP project and its Advisory Board, please visit and follow #teamup2restore on social media.


TEAM#UP is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement N°101103653. The project aims to provide practical knowledge on ecological restoration to vocational education and training (VET) schools across Europe, empowering students with green skills for a sustainable future.


Ryan Campbell,

Project Manager, TEAM#UP


Nature Restoration as main theme during annual meeting with our Norwegian colleagues

Nature Restoration as main theme during annual meeting Norwegian colleagues

NAML, our ELCA national member in Norway, organized on March 8th and 9th their annual meeting conference in Narvik. Nearly 70 participants joined a very interesting two-day meeting in which Nature Restoration was the main theme.

Nature Restoration is a very actual topic. NAML composed a list of very inspiring speakers to share their thoughts and experiences.

Aksel Mjøs, head of the Natural Risk Committee, explained for example the challenges that enhance nature restoration and what it will mean for the landscape an gardening branch.

Nature restoration and the landscaping industry from a biologist’s point of view, was the key note of Christian Steel of Sabima.

Lastly, Olga Hilmo gave an introduction about the Species Data Bank and the practical use of this innovative species list.

If you might be interested in their presentations: view the links below:

ELCA secretary general Egbert Roozen gave an online presentation about the actual status on the EU Nature Restoration Law and provided some highlights of the whitepaper on greening cities in view of the upcoming European elections.

Although Norway is not a member of the European Union, there are a lot of similarities in policymaking and actions on climate change and biodiversity loss.

Egbert expressed his high appreciation to our Norwegian colleagues for this high-level conference and thanked them for the opportunity to contribute to the program with a presentation on behalf of ELCA.    

Press Release : letter of support to the EU Restoration Law

SoGreen Alliance sends letters of support for EU Nature Restoration Law

The SoGreen Alliance, a cooperation of eight European associations of urban green professionals, has sent today letters of support for the EU Nature Restoration Law to the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and to EU-Commissioner Sinkevičius. On Monday March 25th it was the intention to adopt the law in the Environment Council, but due to the fact that there was no qualified majority anymore the voting was taken off the agenda. The SoGreen Alliance is very concerned about what will happen next. In the letters of support the Alliance emphasizes on the enormous opportunities in the urban chapter of the Nature Restoration Law. The Alliance calls on the Belgian Presidency to take all efforts needed leading to the adoption of the law before the end of their current mandate.

In the letters to the Belgian Presidency, addressed to Belgian Prime Minister De Croo and Brussels Minister of Environment Maron, the SoGreen Alliance summarizes why the Nature Restoration Law is of great importance for the urban area.

ELCA Secretary General Egbert Roozen writes on behalf of the Alliance: “The quality of life in the urban area is under pressure. Cities are, due to climate change, vulnerable. Heavy rain showers and high temperatures, that occur more in the future, lead to growing health, social and economic risks and damage. Cities can be a thriving force for the creation of innovative green solutions that have multiple benefits for a better climate, biodiversity and public health. The fact that the European Union is pushing this force forward makes that we act towards the same goals in the same pace. The EU wants to leave no one behind in the green transition that we must make. We underline the importance of the EU Nature Restoration Law by also having eye for the well-being of all citizens.”

True and comprehensive green transition
The EU Nature Restoration Law, the fifth and indispensable pillar of the EU Green Deal, sets targets  till 2030, 2040 and 2050. Roozen: “That means that we have a clear path way to develop. By making dedicated plans, we make the transition according to set ambitions on national and local level and a realistic planning. For too long the importance of the green transition in the urban area has been acknowledged, but the prioritization remained low on the agenda and actions were fragmented or depending on circumstances. We appreciate it that the EU takes now the lead in starting a true and comprehensive green transition wave in the urban area. The EU Nature Restoration Law is going to make the difference based on clear regulation and defined targets.”

Acknowledgement key-values of greenery and nature-based solutions
In 2011 the European Commission introduced the strategy Nature Based Solutions in Renaturing the Cities under Horizon 2020. Since then a lot of research and innovation on the effects of greenery and nature-based solutions has been done. “We act according to scientific evidence and are able to innovate. We appreciate it very much, that greenery and nature-based solutions are now a vital part of European policies to address the societal challenges that we face on climate, biodiversity and public health. We as urban green professionals bring in our knowledge and experiences about greenery and nature-based solutions to achieve and maintain these multiple benefits. We offer our support in the further elaboration of the law on European level and activate our members to be stakeholder in the definition and implementation of the national and local restoration plans”, according to Roozen. 


SoGreen Alliance sends letters of support for EU Nature Restoration Law

SoGreen Alliance sends letters of support for EU Nature Restoration Law

The SoGreen Alliance, a cooperation of eight European associations of urban green professionals, has sent today letters of support for the EU Nature Restoration Law to the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and to EU-Commissioner Sinkevičius. On Monday March 25th it was the intention to adopt the law in the Environment Council, but due to the fact that there was no qualified majority anymore the voting was taken off the agenda. The SoGreen Alliance is very concerned about what will happen next. In the letters of support the Alliance emphasizes on the enormous opportunities in the urban chapter of the Nature Restoration Law. The Alliance calls on the Belgian Presidency to take all efforts needed leading to the adoption of the law before the end of their current mandate.

In the letters to the Belgian Presidency, addressed to Belgian Prime Minister De Croo and Brussels Minister of Environment Maron, the SoGreen Alliance summarizes why the Nature Restoration Law is of great importance for the urban area. ELCA Secretary General Egbert Roozen writes on behalf of the Alliance: “The quality of life in the urban area is under pressure. Cities are, due to climate change, vulnerable. Heavy rain showers and high temperatures, that occur more in the future, lead to growing health, social and economic risks and damage. Cities can be a thriving force for the creation of innovative green solutions that have multiple benefits for a better climate, biodiversity and public health. The fact that the European Union is pushing this force forward makes that we act towards the same goals in the same pace. The EU wants to leave no one behind in the green transition that we must make. We underline the importance of the EU Nature Restoration Law by also having eye for the well-being of all citizens.”

True and comprehensive green transition
The EU Nature Restoration Law, the fifth and indispensable pillar of the EU Green Deal, sets targets  till 2030, 2040 and 2050. Roozen: “That means that we have a clear path way to develop. By making dedicated plans, we make the transition according to set ambitions on national and local level and a realistic planning. For too long the importance of the green transition in the urban area has been acknowledged, but the prioritization remained low on the agenda and actions were fragmented or depending on circumstances. We appreciate it that the EU takes now the lead in starting a true and comprehensive green transition wave in the urban area. The EU Nature Restoration Law is going to make the difference based on clear regulation and defined targets.”

Acknowledgement key-values of greenery and nature-based solutions
In 2011 the European Commission introduced the strategy Nature Based Solutions in Renaturing the Cities under Horizon 2020. Since then a lot of research and innovation on the effects of greenery and nature-based solutions has been done. “We act according to scientific evidence and are able to innovate. We appreciate it very much, that greenery and nature-based solutions are now a vital part of European policies to address the societal challenges that we face on climate, biodiversity and public health. We as urban green professionals bring in our knowledge and experiences about greenery and nature-based solutions to achieve and maintain these multiple benefits. We offer our support in the further elaboration of the law on European level and activate our members to be stakeholder in the definition and implementation of the national and local restoration plans”, according to Roozen. 


Press Release : White paper on European elections

White paper on European elections about a green and healthy urban environment

SoGreen Alliance pleads for Green Deal 2.0 with urban chapter for next EU-semester

Today March 21st 2024, at the start of a new Spring, the SoGreen Alliance publishes a white paper with recommendations for urban green policies in view of the upcoming European elections and the next EU-semester 2024 - 2029. In the white paper, with the title ‘We want to pass on a liveable and greener world for our children and next generations’, the Alliance pleads amongst others for an advanced EU Green Deal 2.0 with a specific urban chapter. The SoGreen Alliance, which is a cooperation of eight European associations of urban green professionals, wants to take up a pro-active role in realizing a green and healthy urban environment and seeks with this white paper the cooperation with European policy makers and relevant stakeholders on this topic.  

In the white paper the SoGreen Alliance refers to the current societal challenges in the urban area and the opportunities that greenery and nature-based solutions offer here. The EU Green Deal, launched by the European Commission in 2019, has set a great ambitions in becoming a climate-neutral continent by 2050. The SoGreen Alliance welcomed the Deal, because it integrated green solutions into different initiatives in for example the Climate Law, the Renovation Wave, the EU Taxonomy, the Skills Agenda and the Nature Restoration Law. According to the SoGreen Alliance, it is now time for the next step.

EU Green Deal 2.0
After the elections for the European Parliament and the start of the new European Commission, there must be an at least ambitious work program on greening the urban area as there has been in the past five years. The SoGreen Alliance concludes that the urban area needs extra attention at European level. Although green cities are already fragmented on the EU agenda, it would be good to evaluate the current status of the green transition in urban areas, to combine different policies and to look where new impulses could be given. Water and Soil are vital in a holistic approach on the application and effectiveness of greenery and nature-based solutions in the built-up area. The availability of water during periods of heat and drought becomes an urgent topic. Rainwater needs to be collected and stored for different use. Greenery and nature-based solutions can be applied for that. To create an even bigger potential, the soil in the built-up area must be unsealed and transformed into fertile growing spots. Soil innovation is also important in view of the reduction of peat components in growing media. Besides water and soil, a further elaboration is needed on the aspect of circularity so that green ‘waste’ becomes a natural source for new products or new applications. The further elaboration of the urban ecosystem for pollinators, and biodiversity in general, is also a high priority. Looking at the greater urban agenda that must defined behind all these development, the SoGreen Alliance pleads for a specific chapter for the built-up/urban area in the follow up of the EU Green Deal; the EU Green Deal 2.0.  

 The SoGreen Alliance introduces in the white paper also recommendations on ‘Green transition at local level’, ‘The Built-up area as carbon sink’, ‘Biodiversity’ and “Skills development’. In the coming weeks, the white paper will be presented to the European institutions and different stakeholders at European level. The white paper can be found at the website of the SoGreen Alliance:


Winner of the ELCA Green Award 2023 - Green Schoolyard


Green Schoolyard TC Medipol Universitesi Kavacik Istanbul winner of the ELCA Green Award

The ELCA Green Award 2023 is won by the Turkish company Isik Landscape Global for their green schoolyard at Medipol Universitesi Kavacik in Instanbul.

Isik Landscape Global project video - HERE

That is the result of the online voting, done by the members of the Committee of Firms of the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), to determine who the winner of this prestigious award would be. The Award was handed over during a festive ceremony at the tradeshow Paysalia in Lyon. Chairman Yasin Otuzoglu congratulated Mr Baris Isik and Mrs Baray Isik, owners of Isik Landscape Global, with this wonderful project and result. In this competition there were four nominations: the Gymnasium of Ismaning (Germany), the International European School in Warsaw (Poland), the CPI Terras de Maside School Centre in Maside (Spain) and the T.C. Medipol Universitesi in Kavacik, Istanbul (Turkiye). The ceremony was moderated by Egbert Roozen, secretary general of ELCA.


The Award, which is presented every two years and aims to put the spotlight on outstanding green projects, is an initiative of the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) in cooperation with the French member association Unep (Union Nationale des Entreprises du Paysage). The ELCA-Board has chosen for Green Schoolyards as theme for this edition. Green schoolyards are very important for the development of children. Scientist Jolanda Maas, who is an expert on this topic, explained during the ceremony in a specially for ELCA pre-recorded video the benefits of green schoolyards. She stated, that children become more creative, develop physically better, are more social towards other children and absorb lessons better after playing on a green schoolyard. In her presentation there were different good examples and she also paid attention to how to design, create and maintain green schoolyards. Her presentation will be shared via the ELCA-media.

It was the second time that the ELCA Green Award was presented. The first edition was in 2021 when the award was granted to a project in the category Public Parks. The winner of that award was the Dutch company Brouwers Groen for their Spoorpark-project in Tilburg. Besides the Green Award, ELCA is also initiator of the Trend Award. This Award will be presented, in cooperation with the German member association BGL (der Bundesverband Garten-, Landschafts und Sportplatzbau e. V.), at the tradeshow in Nuremberg in September 2024. Theme of this award will be Natural Private Gardens and the nominating country is Austria.


Picture: Mr Baris Isik and Mrs Baray Isik of Isik Landscape Global (in the middle) are the proud winners of the ELCA Green Award 2023 for green schoolyards.




Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to




ELCA sends letter of support about UN COP to EU-Commissioner Hoekstra

The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) has sent a letter of support to EU-Commissioner Hoekstra about the upcoming Climate Change Conference on the 28th United Nations COP in Dubai. As Commissioner on Climate Action on behalf of the European Union, there is a great task on the shoulders of Hoekstra to reach concrete results to stop global warming at this COP. ELCA states in its letter, that the landscape and gardening sector supports him in his assignment and wants to play a proactive role in offering green and nature-based solutions for a better climate in the urban area. ELCA wishes Hoekstra a fruitful COP and hopes to exchange afterwards on common actions.

The era that greenery was considered as decoration, has definitely passed now. ELCA Secretary General Egbert Roozen: “We are convinced about the fact, that we can be part of the solution when it comes to the societal challenges that we face right now on climate, biodiversity and public health. Our focus is on greening cities and urban areas to make them resilient and a better place to live. Greenery and nature-based solutions contribute to prevention, adaptation, mitigation and quality. With the knowledge and experience about the right green solution at the right place and with the right maintenance, our sector is able to act right now. There is, from our point of view, no reason why we should delay or hesitate the application of these green solutions in the private garden, public spaces, on the roof, facades and even indoors. To be successful in the green approach, it is vital that greenery and nature-based solutions are already involved at the beginning of the policy and design process and that the green professionals are early at the table to present green solutions and bring in their knowledge about greenery, creation and maintenance.”

Green movement ELCA refers in the letter to the EU Nature Restoration Law, which is now in a final stage. Roozen: ‘This new law as part of the EU Green Deal is very important and should be ambitious when it comes to the urban part. We understand the translation that must be made to national and local level and offer our support in defining practical instruments for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Our perspective is also focused on that and we take initiative to make the green movement even bigger. For example, together with our associate member Canada we work on an approach to link to the UN sustainable development goals and to align to global climate initiatives. At the same time this approach leads to tools for our companies to reinforce their sustainable actions and report on them. Another example is the SoGreen Alliance (, in which eight European associations of urban green professionals cooperate in raising awareness about the benefits of greenery and nature-based solutions.”

Think Green First Roozen concludes in his letter on behalf of ELCA to Hoekstra: “Our principle is ‘Think Green First’. It would be wonderful if this principle would be supported by you. Our wish for the COP would be, that you keep the role and work of landscapers and gardeners as part of the solution in climate change in mind. We feel this challenge as much on our shoulders as it is on yours. Let’s open this partnership and look where we can reinforce in order to create a green and liveable future for us, our children, our grandchildren and generations to come.”




 Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have questions, you can contact Mr. Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to

Yasin Otuzoglu reappointed as Chairman of the ELCA Committee of Firms


The members of the ELCA Committee of Firms have voted unanimously in favour of appointing mr Yasin Otuzoglu for a second term as Chairman of the Committee of Firms. During the recent ELCA-Presidium meeting on October 10th in Brussels, his reappointment is confirmed by announcing the results of the voting.

In a reaction Yasin Otuzoglu declared to be very grateful for the support and to be very motivated to expand the activities of the Committee of Firms in his second term. Yasin: “We have so much to offer to the members of our Committee of Firms. They enjoy actual information from our European network, can take part in our exchange program for students and green professionals and join the professional excursions twice a year. We also promote our wonderful profession with the ELCA Trend Award and the ELCA Green Award. These are good opportunities to get informed and to be inspired. Beside these activities, I want to work on new ideas to support the development of our member companies and to enlarge our green network. Based on our new annual plan 2024, I want to start for example organizing new working groups in the ELCA Committee of Firms, involve new members in our Committee of Firms to further enlarge our green company network, create interest at new associate countries like USA and Singapore and visit our national ELCA-associations to meet current and potential members.”

Yasin points at the relevance of the ELCA-activities for the individual landscape and gardening company. “Besides the actions from the Committee of Firms, ELCA is involved in many more actions on European level such as the EU-funded projects EPLUG and Artemis, the promotion of a green future within SoGreen Alliance, the lobby on crucial legislation like the Nature Restoration Law in EU parliament, EU Green Week and many more. Together we demonstrate our strong voice of the green industry who is working for the green future.”

The Chairman of ELCA Committee of Firms is part of the ELCA Board and works closely together with the ELCA-office in Brussels. Yasin Otuzoglu is looking forward meeting many entrepreneurs and professionals in the landscape and gardening branch during his second term as Chairman.




Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to

ELCA celebrates 60th anniversary with jubilee seminar ‘Think Green First’

On October 10th, 2023, the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) celebrates its 60st anniversary with the jubilee seminar ‘Think Green First’. With this theme, ELCA makes a link to the current trialogue between the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission about the Nature Restoration Law. The actual compromise text on the negotiations table indicates a green development in the urban area ‘till a satisfactory level’ is reached. The original text of the law contained a no net loss of green spaces in the urban area by 2030 and a growth of green spaces with 5% and tree canopy with 10% by 2050. What is a satisfactory level? This is the main question behind the theme of the jubilee seminar. ELCA is very delighted about the fact that speakers Sirpa Pietikäinen (member of the European Parliament), Hélène Cruypenninck (Environment and Nature in the city at the municipality of Angérs, France), Ranja Hautamäki (associate professor of the University of Aalto, Finland), Jan Henk Tigelaar (director of Rooftop Revolution, Amsterdam) and Henrik Bos (ELCA-president) will share their thoughts about how we are going to make urban areas greener, liveable and sustainable for future generations to come. The outcome of the exchange at the seminar will contribute to the input of ELCA on the EU-Nature Restoration Law. The jubilee seminar will take place at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts in Brussels.

ELCA is very proud about the 60 years milestone. In this period the landscape and gardening branch has made a tremendous development. We have reached the point in which greenery is directly linked as a solution for better climate, enhancement of biodiversity and improvement of health of people. The role of greenery within the context of nature-based solutions is now more and more recognized. No longer is greenery a luxury, but a basic need in the quality of life. Looking at the current societal challenges related to climate, biodiversity and health of people, greening the urban area will gain even more importance in the coming years. In the European Green Deal, there are several links to greenery and nature based solutions. There is a plan of planting 3 billion trees to absorb Co2 in the Climate Law, green roofs and green facades are options within the Renovation Wave, the EU-Taxonomy promotes green investments and the Skills Agenda focusses on developing skills to make the green move. High on the political agenda in the EU now, is the Nature Restoration Law that also aims on greening urban areas. In the coming period the law will be negotiated in a trialogue between the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission. ELCA calls on the participants in these negotiations to define clear targets that benefit a successful implementation of the Nature Restoration Law in urban areas and to involve the green professionals.

It is possible to join the jubilee seminar online. The Zoom-link will be provided after sending an email to The link will be send soon afterwards.


Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to

ELCA reacts on EU-consultation variables study European Living Conditions

The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) has send in positive feedback on the EU-consultation on the variables for studying European living conditions (green spaces). ELCA is welcoming the fact that the variables ‘walking distance to the nearest public green space’ (HEE01) and ‘satisfaction with public green spaces in the local area’ (PW201) are added to the 2025 list of ad hoc subject Energy and the Environment.

Based on the Vitamin-G research, done by the Dutch scientist Jolanda Maas, greenery is of great importance in the neighbourhood. People who are living in an area with much greenery (90% in a radius of 1 kilometre around the house) do not only feel more healthy, but appear to go less to the doctor. Especially anxiety neuroses and depressions occur less. The same counts for infections on respiratory tracts, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart failure. On the list of 24 medical diseases that were on the research list, 15 of them occur significantly less by people living in a green area. In areas with less greenery there are 33% more people coming at the doctor with complaints linked to depression in comparison with people living in more green areas. According to Jolanda Maas there is a lot to gain with greening areas specifically for children, youngsters, elderly people and people with a lower social economic status. Looking from this point of view a green neighbourhood is a nature based solution that has great importance for public health.

ELCA recommends to consider a more frequent monitoring of the variables HEE01 and PW201, possibly linked to other EU-initiatives that focus on greening urban areas such as the Nature Restoration Law, in the future.






Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact Mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to

Voting starts for the winner of the ELCA Green Award

Brussels, September 1st, 2023


Press Release


Voting starts for the winner of the ELCA Green Award

Today, on September 1st, the voting starts for the winner of the ELCA Green Award. This edition the theme is Green School Yards.

The Award, which is presented every two years and aims to put the spotlight on outstanding green projects, is an initiative of the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) in cooperation with the French member association UNEP (Union Nationale des Entreprises du Paysage). The ELCA-Board has chosen for Green School Yards as theme for this edition. National members of ELCA had the opportunity to nominate one school yard project of which they are convinced about its prominent and innovative character. Members of the ELCA Committee of Firms, who are all green professionals in the landscape and gardening sector, are invited to vote on their favourite project and by this vote it will be determined who the winner of the Green Award will be.

The following projects are nominated for the ELCA Green Award/Green School Yards:

· Germany: the Gymnasium of Ismaning

Germany: the Gymnasium of Ismaning

· Poland: the International European School in Warsaw

· Spain: the CPI Terras de Maside School Centre in Maside

Spain: the CPI Terras de Maside School Centre in Maside

· Turkey: the T.C. Medipol Universitesi in Kavacik, Istanbul

Turkey: the T.C. Medipol Universitesi in Kavacik, Istanbul

From all projects there are descriptions and several pictures available on the ELCA-website ( The voting is open till October 1st. On December 5th the Award will be presented to the winner during a special ceremony at Paysalia in Lyon.






Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to

SoGreen Alliance embraces result voting European Parliament on Nature Restoration Law


SoGreen Alliance embraces result voting European Parliament on Nature Restoration Law


The SoGreen Alliance, in which eight European associations of urban green professionals cooperate (, has followed the voting yesterday in the European Parliament on the Nature Restoration Law with great interest. The Alliance is delighted about the fact that the law is adopted. Although the regulations for nature restoration in the urban area have been weakened, the compromise embraces the conviction that greening cities is a basic need in making them climate resilient and a better place to live for humans, plants and animals. It also makes, looking at the European green diversity, the translation to local and regional circumstances. Urban green professionals deliver their professionalism of the application and maintenance of greenery and nature based solutions that answers to societal challenges there. Our plead, that urban green professionals should be involved as early as possible in the policy, planning and design process, grows to reality when the Nature Restoration Law enters into force.

For the first time in 70 years, the European Union adopts regulation for nature restoration. For the urban green professionals, united within the SoGreen Alliance, this is also a historic moment. The Nature Restoration Law acknowledges the benefits of greenery and nature based solutions as an answer to societal challenges on climate, biodiversity and health and sets a clear perspective in the further development of green urban areas. In the law that was adopted yesterday in the European Parliament, the text was redefined according to the recent compromise reached within the European Council. The definition is now that member states take care for no net loss of green spaces and tree canopy in the total surface of national urban ecosystems by the end of 2030. There is an exemption when there is already more than 45% coverage of green spaces and 10% coverage of tree canopy in the total surface of the national urban ecosystems. After 2030 the member states shall ensure that there is an upward trend of urban green space in the total national area realized by green buildings and green infrastructure till a satisfactory level is reached. This will be measured every six years. The same counts for an upward trend in tree canopy cover. In the amendments there was also attention for the use of native and climate resilient plants, shrubs and trees. To have a clear view on the starting point, there must be an inventory made. After that, restoring plans must be prepared and there will be frequent monitoring on the results.

In the coming months, there will be negotiations in a trialogue between the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission under Spanish Presidency. Then the Nature Restoration Law will be finally defined. The SoGreen Alliance will put forward its point of view at the negotiations table and supports the further elaboration of the law.


Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to Partners in the SoGreen Alliance ( are: European Arboricultural Council, European Federation Green Roofs and Living Walls associations, European Interior Landscaping Organization, European Landscape Contractors Association, European Nurserystock Association, International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe, International Organization of Natural Bathing Waters, World Urban Parcs Europe.

EU Climate Goals 2040

Public consultation on EU Climate Goals 2040:

SoGreen Alliance points at role greenery and nature based solutions in CO2 absorption

The European Commission has held recently a public consultation on the definition of suitable climate targets for 2040 and what is needed to achieve climate neutrality in 2050. EU citizens and all kind of stakeholders had the opportunity to bring in their suggestions. The SoGreen Alliance, in which eight European associations of urban green professionals ( cooperate, pleaded in its contribution for an even important approach in the Climate Goals 2040 for the absorption of CO2 as for measures focused on the reduction of emissions. Greenery and nature based solutions in the urban area can play an important role in the absorption of CO2 and add to economic, social and environmental goals at the same time.

Europe must be a climate neutral continent in 2050. That is the aim of the European Commission and must be achieved by different initiatives within the EU Green Deal. By setting climate goals for 2040, the Commission wants to have a clear vision on being on the right track and what is needed to realize further reductions of CO2. The SoGreen Alliance is of the opinion that options for absorption of CO2 should have the same attention in the approach of the Climate Goals 2040 as measures focused on the reduction of emissions. The Alliance points at the role of greenery and nature based solutions in the urban area in the absorption of CO2. Greenery in an urban setting (for example gardens, parcs, urban forestry and green buildings) can offer good opportunities and contributes to the by the EU targeted economic, social and environmental effects at the same time. For this it is necessary to include greenery as early as possible in the policy, planning and design process, to pay attention to healthy permeable soils and to make sure that long term maintenance is taken care for. The SoGreen Alliance advises also to assess the investment options in the EU Taxonomy in order to enhance the creation of more green solutions and more green spaces in the urban area. Possibly public – private partnerships will help in creating extra chances for financing green projects and support mutual acceptance of the stated goals and actions.

The SoGreen Alliance keeps itself recommended to the EU to help in the further elaboration of the Climate Goals 2040.



Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to 

Partners in the SoGreen Alliance ( are: European Arboricultural Council, European Federation Green Roofs and Living Walls associations, European Interior Landscaping Organization, European Landscape Contractors Association, European Nurserystock Association, International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe, International Organization of Natural Bathing Waters, World Urban Parks Europe.

SoGreen Alliance in statement to EU Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans:

Urban green professionals have strongly believe in the Nature Restoration Law 

In a statement to EU Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans the SoGreen Alliance, in which eight European associations of professionals in urban green cooperate, embraces with great enthusiasm, the objectives of the Nature Restoration Law for the urban area. The Alliance sees many opportunities to make an effective contribution to the further development of a healthy and sustainable urban environment. Thanks to prior EU-initiatives on for example nature based solutions in renaturing the cities and the green infrastructure, urban green professionals are able to create solutions with natural greenery for societal challenges on climate, biodiversity and health of people. They are ready to realize the green transition in the urban area. The Nature Restoration Law is a welcome measure to work on this structurally and should be adopted. The SoGreen Alliance calls therefore on EU Executive Vice-President Timmermans to keep the solutions, that urban green professionals in the framework of this law can offer, in mind during his dialogues with the European Parliament and the Council.

The SoGreen Alliance considers the Nature Restoration Law, as part of the Green Deal, also as a logical follow up on prior EU-initiatives for greener cities. More than 10 years ago, the European Commission put for example the application of nature, solutions inspired by nature and green infrastructures for a sustainable urban environment on the agenda. These initiatives have led to scientific and innovative partnerships and show that greenery offers effective solutions if it is involved in the policy and planning/design process early and the maintenance is guaranteed for a longer term. Thanks to all joint efforts, it is possible to realize greenery with social benefits in gardens, public spaces and on roofs, walls and inside buildings.

With all knowledge, skills and experience of greenery in the urban area, it is according to the SoGreen Alliance time for commitment to the objectives of the Nature Restoration Law for greener cities. New developments can be realized in a perfectly sustainable and nature-inclusive way. In addition to all kinds of other societal challenges, the existing urban area must undergo a transition in the coming years in order to limit damage caused by heavy rainfall, high temperatures and drought. In recent years, the urban area has become increasingly important as a habitat for animals, partly due to the great diversity of plants and nesting facilities. Much more is possible. Moreover, citizens have the right to a healthy living environment that is now regularly under pressure due to for example poor air quality, heat stress and noise pollution. Greenery offers solutions for these issues, but is often pushed into the background for short-term or financial reasons.   

The SoGreen Alliance and all professionals in urban green are convinced that a brighter green future in cities lies ahead when the Nature Restoration Law is adopted. We want to put our shoulders firmly under bringing the aims of this law into practice with greenery that offers societal benefits for us all. 


Note for the editors, not for publication: If you might have any questions, you can contact mr Egbert Roozen (secretary general of the ELCA) by sending an email to 

Partners in the SoGreen Alliance ( are: European Arboricultural Council, European Federation Green Roofs and Living Walls associations, European Interior Landscaping Organization, European Landscape Contractors Association, European Nurserystock Association, International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe, International Organization of Natural Bathing Waters, World Urban Parks Europe.


ELCA Green Award Press Release

 Brussels, May 25th 2023


Press release


ELCA calls for nominations ELCA Green School Yard Award 2023

The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) calls its member-associations to nominate a project that can compete for the ELCA Green Award 2023. With this award, that is presented every two years, ELCA wants to highlight the innovation in green projects made by professional gardeners and landscapers. Besides that, it supports the ever-growing network of the ELCA Committee of Firms. In 2021 the Award was handed over for the first time. Theme of that year was Green Park. The Green Award was won by Brouwers Groenaannemers for their Spoorpark-project in Tilburg (The Netherlands). This year the theme is Green School Yards.

Greenery can no longer be considered as decoration anymore. Today we are aware of its benefits for climate, biodiversity and health of people. With these benefits in mind, professional gardeners and landscapers design, create and maintain private gardens, public parcs and buildings with green roofs and facades. Nowadays we see more and more interest in the creation of green school yards, where children can play with and learn about nature. Scientific research has shown that children, after playing at a green school yard, can concentrate better on their learnings in the classroom, are more creative, have a better physical development and are more sociable towards other children. Besides these positive effects, the green schoolyard is also a place where there is room for biodiversity and that contributes to social cohesion in the residential area where the school yard is located. ELCA wants to highlights these benefits by showcasing innovative and state of the art projects. These projects are a good example of what greenery can do and what our professional gardeners and landscapers are able to deliver.

The ELCA member-associations are asked to nominate one green school yard project for the competition. Members of the ELCA Committee of Firms can vote in September on their favourites, which will be presented then on the ELCA-website. The ceremony of the announcement of the results and the hand-over of the trophy, in cooperation with the French association UNEP, will take place at Paysalia 2023 in Lyon.



Spoorpark Tilburg with Landscape Contractor Brouwers Groenaannemers win the ELCA Green Award 2021!

Spoorpark Tilburg with Landscape Contractor Brouwers Groenaannemers,

VHG member in the Netherlands, win the ELCA Green Award 2021!

The Green Park competition 2021

The ELCA Green Award is a competition to promote living green by and with landscape contractors. Develop an ever-growing platform with and between the companies of the ELCA Committee of Firms.

The ELCA Green Award is presented to the VHG President, the association that introduced the winning project, at the ceremony of the ELCA Green Award for The Green Park competition 2021. The announcement of the results in collaboration with UNEP – France takes place at the professional fair PAYSALIA 2021 dd 1 December 2021.

Press release_ELCA Green Award_Paysalia 2021

VHG speech Green Award 2021


ELCA CoF: Excursions abroad sound nice, but can they help business?

Excursions abroad sound nice, but can they help business?

Some 200 landscapers from 22 countries are members of the Committee of Firms that is part of the European umbrella organization ELCA. The firms, ranging from small family businesses to large internationals, make excursions and meet at green conferences all over the world. Making such trips sounds rather nice, but do they a positive impact on your business? We asked three members of Dutch landscapers’ association VHG.


VHG interview ELCA President Henrik Bos

Figurehead Henrik Bos, President of ELCA

“Green has no borders”

Figureheads green sector

VHG collects ‘figureheads’: people who have a special significance for the green sector. Because of their profession, experience, expertise, vision or special activities they contribute significantly to the value of green in our society. We would like to share their insights and ideas with VHG members. We hope their stories will be able to inspire and add to our theme ‘green makes for happiness’. In the first issue of this year, we speak with Henrik Bos, president of ELCA, the European umbrella organization of which VHG is a member.

More info: Henrik Bos_ELCA President_VHG_EN 

The VHG press article in Dutch - in het nederlands: 12269-VHGMagazine 2021-Boegbeeldinterview 


VHG receives the Royal designation - Branchevereniging VHG ontvangt predicaat Koninklijk

VHG receives the Royal designation - Branchevereniging VHG ontvangt predicaat Koninklijk 

Branchevereniging VHG mag zich vanaf vandaag ‘Koninklijke Vereniging van Hoveniers en Groenvoorzieners’ noemen. Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem-Alexander heeft deze eretitel toegekend aan de branchevereniging die dit jaar 100 jaar bestaat. Voorzitter Rien van der Spek en directeur Egbert Roozen namen het bijbehorende predicaat in ontvangst uit handen van Hans Oosters, commissaris van de Koning in de provincie Utrecht en burgemeester Gilbert Isabella van de gemeente Houten.

Press release: Branchevereniging VHG ontvangt predicaat Koninklijk 


ELCA has launched the SoGreen movement, a global stakeholder group that unites all green industries

‘SoGreen unites the green world’ Henrik Bos (president of ELCA)

On 20 November 2020, Henrik Bos, president of the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), has launched the SoGreen movement, a global stakeholder group that unites all green industries. ‘To start this international sector organization for the global green industries has been one of the biggest goals during my time as president of ELCA.’



ELCA starts European platform for urban greening.

ELCA, European Landscape Contractors Association starts European platform for urban greening

Together with partners in Denmark, Finland, Romania, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, ELCA will be building a European Platform for Urban Greening in the coming years.

Increase knowledge and skills of green professionals.

The European Platform for Urban Greening aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The educational institutions from the mentioned countries work closely with business partners and governments in order to match the educational offer with regional needs.

Press release 20200914_New European platform for urban greening_press_release


EU Green Sector joint letter to the EU Agriculture Commissioner

Need for extraordinary measures to support the flower & live plants sector survive the COVID-19 crisis.

Joint letter to Mr Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Union Fleurs – International Flower Trade Association

ENA - European Nurserystock Association

ARELFH - Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

VAL’HOR - the inter-branch organisation for ornamental horticulture in France

VBN - the Association of Dutch Flower Auctions

CIOPORA - the International Association of Breeders of Asexually Reproduced Horticultural Varieties

ANTHOS - the Royal Trade Association for Nursery Stock and Flower Bulbs

ELCA - the European Association of Landscape Professionals.


BALI National Landscape Awards 2019,

BALI Registered Contractor Ground Control has been awarded the British Association of Landscape Industries’ (BALI) prestigious Grand Award at the 43rd BALI National Landscape Awards 2019, sponsored by BALI Registered Affiliate and Headline Sponsor of the Awards Green-tech. Ground Control’s project, The Children’s Garden, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was entered into the Community and Schools Development category.


Paysalia 2019 - Maître Jardinier / Master Gardener

Le jury de l’édition 2019 du Carré des Jardiniers, présidé par Jean Mus, a rendu son verdict le mercredi 4 décembre, dans le cadre du salon Paysalia.

Découvrez qui a remporté le titre convoité de « Maître Jardinier 2019 »  dans le communiqué de presse.

The jury of the 2019 edition of Carré des Jardiniers, chaired by Jean Mus, delivered its verdict on Wednesday, December 4, during the Paysalia trade show.

Find out who won the coveted title of "Master Gardener 2019" in the press release.


ELCA - We take care for a green and liveable Europe

“We take care for a green and liveable Europe”

At this moment we are facing big challenges in keeping our world liveable. Climate is changing. Heavy rain and drought will lead to all kinds of damage. More and more plants and animals are disappearing. This will affect  in the end also our food chain. It is to be expected that in future the majority of people will live in cities. How do we keep cities a sustainable place to live and work in? All this kind of topics are related to greenery. The time that greenery was decoration, is over. Greenery offers important benefits for the quality of our lives.

ELCA stand - A greener environment with ELCA


ELCA Henrik Bos has been elected as the new President

Henrik Bos has been elected as the new ELCA-President

The European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) is continuing its successful expansion course with its new President Henrik Bos at the top.

Henrik Bos zum neuen ELCA-Präsidenten gewählt

Die European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) setzt ihren erfolgreichen Expansionskurs mit ihrem neuen Präsidenten Henrik Bos an der Spitze fort.

Henrik Bos a été élu au poste de président de l´ELCA

L’European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) continue sa voie d´expansion et de succès avec, à sa tête son nouveau président Henrik Bos.


Member ASSO.IMPRE.DI.A. - Redesigning the landscape

Redesigning the landscape: 
Environmental technologies between restoration and reclassification of urban and extra-urban areas. 

It takes more greenery to save the world. The undersigned, in an ideal manifesto "Green will save the world" launched in recent days at an international meeting in Milan, the Italian representatives of Assoimpredia (National Association for the Defence and Environmental Protection Association) and the delegates from all over Europe of Elca (European Landscape Contractors Association), ie professionals, landscape architects, designers, managers of green companies and entrepreneurs who ask institutions, but also citizens, to change behaviours and directives, thinking back to cities, suburbs and more generally to the landscape that characterizes the Belpaese. 


ELCA Trend Award 2018

Green Dream’ and ‘Circl’ win ELCA Trend Award 2018
The international professional judges committee has decided to pick two Dutch projects as the richly deserved joint winners of the ELCA Trend Award 2018 from the four nominees, all of which were Dutch projects. The winners were announced at the festive award ceremony at the international GaLaBau trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany, on Wednesday 12 September. The joint winners are ‘Circl’, developed by the landscaping company Donkergroen on behalf of ABN AMRO Bank in Amsterdam, and ‘Green Dream’, developed by the designer Iverna Zaalberg and the gardening and landscaping company Herman Vaessen Tuin Boom Groen on behalf of Geelen Counterflow in Haelen (Dutch province of Limburg).